Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce
2024 Scholarship Application
The Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to offer a one-time scholarship to one or more graduating seniors. A recipient of this award must be a College/Technical School-bound graduating senior who exhibits the qualities of leadership and community involvement.
The deadline for all applications and essays is May 3, 2024. Please submit completed applications by mail to:
George Strub
Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 175
Big Sandy, TX 75755
Chamber Scholarship Application 2024.pdf
Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce
The Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce serves the Big Sandy area business community assisting with business development and economic growth. This voluntary organization of business and professional people offers services to strengthen existing businesses and encourage new business creation.
The Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce meets the 2nd Monday of each month in a combined meeting with the Big Sandy Rotary at 12:00 p.m. @ the City of Big Sandy Community Center, 207 E. Gilmer Street, Big Sandy, Texas.
You can download the application for membership in the Chamber of Commerce here:
2022 BS C of C Membership Application.pdf
The current officers of the Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce are:
President: Laura Rex
Vice-President: Carrie Campbell
Secretary: Cindy Hooser
Treasurer: George Strub
You can reach the Chamber of Commerce at:
Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 175
Big Sandy TX 75755