The Big Sandy Municipal Development District (MDD)
The Big Sandy Municipal Development District (MDD) was created by voters in May 2017 and began levying a 1/4 percent sales tax starting January 1, 2018 on all items in the district that are subject to the general sales tax. The MDD jurisdiction includes the corporate city limits of the City of Big Sandy and its extra-territorial jurisdiction (the unincorporated area that is that is located within one-half mile of the corporate boundaries).
It is the mission of the MDD to work diligently to develop the Big Sandy community into a better place to live, work and do business.
The Big Sandy MDD oversees, develops and may help finance any permissible economic development project as defined in their by-laws and Chapter 377 of the Texas Local Government Code and that benefits, strengthens and diversifies the economic base of Big Sandy.
The Board of Directors of the Big Sandy MDD are:
President: Rick Peterson
Vice President: Cindy Hooser
Secretary/Treasurer: Laura Rex
Director: Rocky Ware
The Board consists of five (5) directors appointed by the City Council for staggered two year terms.
If you are interested in serving on the Big Sandy MDD Board of Directors, please fill out the Application and Background Release Form and return the original copies to City Secretary Laura Rex.
The Big Sandy MDD usually meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. at the Big Sandy Welcome Center, 106 E Gilmer Street, Big Sandy.
If you have questions about the Municipal Development District or their meetings, please contact city hall at 903.636.4343 or email the City Secretary's office at
Prior to the creation of the Big Sandy MDD, the City encouraged economic development through the Big Sandy Community Development Corporation, which was established in 1995 under the authority of the Community Development Act of 1979 and was approved for funding (a type B sales tax) by the citizens of Big Sandy in an election held that same year. The Big Sandy CDC was a Type B Economic Development Corporation, and was specifically designed to develop industry and cultivate communities and was dissolved by the voters in May 2017.