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News from Big Sandy!
Notice of Finding of no Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds


On or about 08/01/2023 the City of Big Sandy will submit a request to the Texas Department of Agriculture - Office of Rural Affairs (TDA-ORA) for the release of Texas Community Development Block Grant funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-383), as amended, to undertake a project known as water distribution improvements CDV21-0067, for the purpose of Administrative and Engineering Fees and Services and the City proposes to replace approximately five thousand one hundred linear feet (5,100 l.f.) of six-inch (6 in.) water line, fire hydrants, valves, related service re-connections and all associated appurtenances. The project activities are located on Davis Street from Broadway (US Hwy 80) to the end of the street and on Broadway (US Hwy 80) from approximately two hundred feet (200 ft.) east of SH 155 to Pearl Street in Big Sandy, Upshur County, Texas.  The City of Big Sandy has been awarded $350,000 in grant funds and shall contribute $17,500 in match funds.



The City of Big Sandy has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment.  Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not required.  Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at the Big Sandy City Hall, 100 N. Tyler, Big Sandy, Texas 75755 and may be examined or copied weekdays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A digital copy of the ERR may be obtained by contacting Laura Rex, City Secretary via email or 903-636-4343.

Read more by downloading the complete notice here:

2023 07 07 Environmental Posting_CDV21-0067.pdf

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