Water Quality
Safe drinking water is an essential and precious resource for our community. The City of Big Sandy carefully treats and your drinking water and this water is tested continuously to ensure high quality.
One of the primary goals and responsibilities of the Big Sandy Public Works Department is to provide you with safe, potable and reliable drinking water. The City of Big Sandy is committed to maintaining an adequate raw water supply and for producing potable water at sufficient pressure, volume and quality for our customers. We strive to continuously improve the service to the community and wholesale customers by monitoring the watershed and our water treatment plants and distribution system to ensure that they meet state and federal regulations.
Water Storage
The City of Big Sandy has the following water storage capacity:
- One (1) elevated tank built in 1935, capacity 50,000 gallons
- One (1) elevated tank built in 1989, capacity 200,000 gallons
- One (1) ground storage tank built in 2005, capacity 87,000 gallons
- One (1) ground storage tank built in 2015, capacity 100,000 gallons
The safe limit on water demand is 330,000 gallons per day. If this amount is exceeded, then a water conservation plan is put into effect.
Water Distribution
The City of Big Sandy water distribution system consists of five (5) high-lift service pumps and miles of 2” through 8” size water lines. The City of Big Sandy water lines are a combination of PVC, galvanized, asbestos cement, and cast iron. Service lines from the water main to the customers consist of PVC, copper and galvanized pipe.
Water Treatment
The only treatment the city is required to do is the addition of chlorine. We are required to maintain at least a 0.2 ppm (parts per million) free chlorine residual at the furthermost point of our system.
Water Quality Report
Listed below is the annual Water Quality Report, which is produced and distributed each year in early summer (July).
The 2021 report details water quality during calendar year 2021 and is available in July 2022.